vrijdag 27 november 2015

Introducing the new Kinetix 5700 Servo drives from Rockwell Automation

Our Kinetix® 5700 EtherNet/IP Servo Drives help expand the value of integrated motion on EtherNet/IP to large custom machine builder applications. With Logix as a single control engine, and one design environment, Studio 5000® Logix Designer, machine builders now have more flexibility to scale, design, and control to help meet their needs. 

These servo drives can help reduce commissioning time and improve machine performance. It offers the simplicity, power and space savings you need to help get your machine up and running faster.

The Kinetix 5700 is designed for machines with large axis counts with higher power requirements. It is available in single and dual axis servos with integrated and hardwired Safe Torque-Off.

Key Features:

  • Features dual axis modules
  • Provides a large 1.6 to 60kW power range
  • Controls servo and induction motors
  • Supports a wide range of feedback types
  • Offers an innovative snap-fit bus system
  • Reduces wiring with single cable technology
  • Allows for tuning-less commissioning for most axes
  • Delivers power density for reduced cabinet space
  • Includes dual Ethernet ports to support linear and device level ring topologies

Further product information is available by clicking here.

For further information please contact us by email at info@routeco.nl or please visit our website www.routeco.nl

vrijdag 20 november 2015

Get the full value out of your network infrastructure with Stratix 5410

Getting the full value out of your network infrastructure is critical, especially in industrial environments where conditions can be extreme and high performance connectivity is required.
To address these challenges, Rockwell Automation offers the Allen-Bradley® Stratix 5410™ Industrial Distribution Switch with a 19” rack mount design to its existing line of Ethernet switches. With a rugged exterior, rear mounting capabilities and multiple fibre port options, this switch is an ideal solution for a centralised point of network distribution.

Features and benefits:
  • 19” rack mount design for increased port density
  • Platform with four 10-Gigabit uplinks and 24-gigabit downlinks for high performance network requirements
  • Provides access switching and distribution layer routing capabilities for flexibility in designing network architectures
  • Offers support for up to 12 ports of Power over Ethernet (PoE/PoE+) to help minimise hardware and cabling.

As part of the Stratix™ portfolio of products, the Stratix 5410 offers the same programming and support tools already familiar to both your Operations Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) professionals. With integration into Studio 5000 Automation Engineering and Design Environment, FactoryTalk View faceplates and Add-on Profiles can be leveraged for simplified configuration and monitoring. This optimised level of integration helps you experience easier commissioning and faster diagnostics retrieval.

For further information please contact us by email at info@routeco.com or please visit our website www.routeco.nl

vrijdag 13 november 2015

Routeco Klanten Onderzoek 2015 – Wij willen graag uw mening!

Customer Survey Image
Routeco wil graag als leverancier de eerste keuze zijn voor onze klanten, Wij begrijpen dat wij hiervoor niet alleen producten van toonaangevende fabrikanten dienen te leveren. Ook dienen wij een uitstekende klantenservice te bieden.

Door regelmatig uw mening te vragen weten we op welke gebieden we goed presteren, maar ook hoe we onze service beter aan uw verwachtingen kunnen laten voldoen.

Onze jaarlijkse enquête hebben we al een aantal jaren uitgevoerd met een aantal positieve resultaten tot gevolg:         
  • Stijgend aantal klanten geeft onze hoge scores op alle gebieden
  • Enorme stijging in ‘Net Promoter Score’ (aanbeveling door klanten) van 38% naar 61% in 4 jaar tijd
  • Stijging van het aantal klanten dat aangeeft dat Routeco ‘Partner of Choice’ is.

Het spreekt voor zich dat wij erg blij zijn met deze resultaten, echter onze focus voor verbetering over de afgelopen 12 maanden was specifiek gericht op proactieve communicatie en verbetering van het realiseren van de gevraagde leverdata.

Onze enquête is nu gestart en we zouden erg graag van u horen hoe u denkt over onze prestaties. Klik hier om deel te nemen.

Door deel te nemen dingt u mee naar de verloting van EUR 250,-- aan tegoedbonnen, precies op tijd voor de feestdagen!

Voor meer informatie klikt u hier, e-mail info@routeco.nl 

vrijdag 6 november 2015

Introducing the new SafeSide Voltage Test Station (VTS) from Grace

Grace Engineered Products, the innovative leader in design and manufacturing of Permanent Electrical Safety Devices (PESD) has announced the new SafeSide® Voltage Test Station (VTS).
The VTS is a revolutionary product that minimizes electrical worker’s exposure to live voltage and the risk of an arc flash hazard. The VTS further simplifies the three step voltage test method and exceeds NFPA 70 E/CSA Z642 and OSHA standards if used in your Lock-out Tag-out (LOTO) procedure. 
This through-door technology concept provides a combination of a voltage indicator and test points for actual voltage measurement in a single housing, eliminating guess work and verifying zero electrical energy from outside the enclosure.
The entire VTS product offering follows Grace’s core concept of customisation, available in various NEMA and stainless steel housings to serve many industry needs.
For further information please contact us by email at info@routeco.nl and to check pricing and to buy online please visit our website.