woensdag 7 september 2016
WOTS 2016, van 4 t/m 7 Oktober
WOTS 2016 (‘World of Technology and Science’) komt er weer aan, van 4 t/m 7 Oktober in de Jaarbeurs Utrecht.
Vier werelden: Automation, Laboratory , Motion en Drives, Electronics.
Dit is HET evenement dit jaar om te bezoeken vanwege:
1. Routeco en Rockwell Automation bieden u samen de gelegenheid te praten met specialisten over uw specifieke behoeften, het laatste productnieuws en product demo’s
2. U kunt netwerken met fabrikanten, eindgebruikers en paneelbouwers
3. Ruime keuze uit seminars over de laatste trends in de industrie over 3 dagen verspreid
4. Honderden exposanten en stands te bezoeken
Routeco heeft dit jaar een stand van 120 m2 , gevuld met interessant productnieuws en demo’s.
Lees meer informatie omtrent de WOTS 2016 hier
Laat deze kans niet voorbij gaan en registreer u vandaag hier
Wij kijken er erg naar uit u te ontmoeten!
Routeco BV
woensdag 17 augustus 2016
Welke Ethernet-communicatiemethode is de beste voor u?
Bent u er niet
zeker van welke Ethernet-communicatiemethode ideaal is voor uw project?
Om de voor u
beste communicatiemethode te kunnen bepalen, moet u precies weten welke
vereisten met uw toepassing verbonden zijn, en als u de verkeerde kiest, kunt u
in toekomst met problemen worden geconfronteerd, die het eindresultaat sterk
kunnen beïnvloeden. ProSoft kan hier helpen – op hun nieuwe video worden voorbeeld-toepassingen
getoond, en worden de voor- en nadelen van de verschillende
communicatiemethodes toegelicht, om u te helpen de beste keus voor uw
toepassing te bepalen!
woensdag 10 augustus 2016
De Allen-Bradley 140M MPCB voor meervoudige motorinstallaties
De vermogensschakelaars voor motorbeveiliging (MPCB's) van Rockwell Automation zijn geschikt voor toepassingen aan de uitgang van aandrijvingen met variabele frequentie in installaties met meerdere motoren.
Kenmerken en voordelen:
• Geschikt voor toepassingen aan de uitgang van aandrijvingen met variabele frequentie in installaties met meerdere motoren
• PWM-frequentie ≤ 4 kHz
• Uitgangsfrequentie van de variabele frequentie-aandrijving ≤ 400 Hz
• Vast ingebouwde magnetische nood-uitschakeling ("trip")
• Beveiliging tegen motor-overbelasting, nood-uitschakeling klasse 10
• Stroombegrenzing
• Maximale nominale spanning vlgs. IEC: 500V; Bovengrens "UL": 480V
• Uitschakelcapaciteit ("Interrupting rating") bij 480V en 400V: max. 65 kA
Voor verdere informatie kunt u een e-mail sturen naar sales@routeco.nl
vrijdag 5 augustus 2016
Allen-Bradley all-in-one industriële PC-opties
De Allen-Bradley® 6181 Integrated Display computers vormen een dynamische productenportefeuille, met geavanceerde modellen met hoge prestaties die all-in-one industriële PC-opties leveren, om u te helpen aan de vereisten van uw toepassing te voldoen.
Deze geavanceerde modellen met hoge prestaties zijn uitgerust met de nieuwste details, ontworpen om aan de veeleisendste voorwaarden voor integrated display computing te voldoen. Deze robuuste industriële computers helpen flexibiliteit aan uw toepassing te verlenen met een combinatie van multi-touch touchscreens, high performance processoren, ter plaatse vervangbare componenten en de mogelijkheid systemen op afstand te kunnen beheren. Bovendien maken de interface-knop voor de gebruiker en de korte assistentie-video de installatie tot een positieve ervaring.
De nieuwste aanvullingen voor de Integrated Display computers van Allen-Bradley combineren toonaangevende technologie van Intel met ultramoderne hardware voor een verbeterde gebruikerservaring.
Tot de kenmerken en voordelen behoren:
• Hoge prestaties bij het data-processing
• Gemakkelijk te bedienen
• Efficiënt data-management
De industriële computerproducten van Allen-Bradley zijn online verkrijgbaar bij Routeco.
Voor meer informatie kunt u een e-mail sturen naar sales@routeco.nl
woensdag 27 juli 2016
Hardy bereikt Premier Integration met Rockwell Automation PLC's
Hardy Process Solutions heeft het hoogste niveau aan weeg-integratie bereikt met Rockwell Automation® ControlLogix® en CompactLogix® systemen, met een combinatie van connectiviteit aan de uitgangszijde van de apparatuur of via een draadverbinding, en integratie-tools. Door gebruik te maken van een combinatie van Add-on profielen (AOP's), EDS-AOP's, HMI frontzijden met add-on instructies, en voorbeeldprogramma's/functieblokken wordt een synergistische methodologie gegenereerd voor een GEMAKKELIJKE en naadloze integratie voor het wegen met Rockwell PLC's en PAC's via RSLogix® en Studio 5000®.
De toevoeging van ControlLogix en CompactLogix plug-in weegmodules aan een Rockwell Automation PLC/PLC is net zo gemakkelijk als het vastklikken van de modules aan de achterplaat. Gewichtsdata via een oorspronkelijke I/O-poort aan de achterplaat communiceren is snel en deterministisch, met een zo kort mogelijke regelings-terugkoppeling en zonder netwerkvertragingen. Hardy weegregelaars, weegprocessoren en -transmitters worden ook per kabel aangesloten via een standaard Ethernet router/schakelaar aan een standaard Ethernet card in de PLC, met communicaties via het EtherNet/IP-protocol dat is gecertificeerd voor ODVA level 3 of level 1.
Ter vergemakkelijking van de integratie biedt Hardy ook voorbeeld-programma's aan, functieblokken en Ladder Logic voor PLC's die niet zijn gebaseerd op Logix, zoals de Micro800. Deze tools zijn ook ontworpen om de integratie van weegfuncties in andere productiesystemen te vergemakkelijken, die op Rockwell Automation zijn gebaseerd.
Voor verdere productinformatie kunt u Hardy Faceplates/AOIs bezoeken. Om meer over de integratie van Hardy weegschaalmodules te ervaren kunt u een korte, informatieve YouTube video bekijken.
Voor verdere informatie kunt een e-mail sturen naar sales@routeco.nl
woensdag 13 juli 2016
Breid uw mogelijkheden uit met het 5069 Compact I/O-platform
Het Compact I/O-systeem van Rockwell Automation maakt uw systeem toekomstbestendig en maakt "The Connected Enterprise" mogelijk, waardoor machinebouwers hun klanten toegevoegde waarde kunnen bieden via EtherNet/IP™ voor een verhoogde algehele productiviteit. Het is de ideale gedistribueerde I/O-oplossing om met de Allen-Bradley ControlLogix® 5580 controller te gebruiken en voor gebruikers met hoge verwerkingsvereisten.
Het 5069 Compact I/O-systeem biedt diversiteit en flexibiliteit met dual 1 Gigabit (Gb) interne Ethernet-poorten voor Linear en Device Level Ring-topologieën, zodat toepassingen die hoge prestaties en snelheid vereisen gemakkelijk kunnen worden aangepast.
Kenmerken en voordelen:
- Intern vermogen met veldstroom naar I/O-modules
- Ondersteunt 31 lokale I/O-modules
- High-speed backplane voor snellere overdrachtsnelheden
- Verbeterde statusindicatoren voor meer informatie over de gezondheid van de module
- Ondersteunt 1 Gb interne switch-technologie voor Linear en Device Level Ring (DLR) -topologieën
- Geïntegreerde USB-poort voor een eenvoudige configuratie
Voor meer informatie stuurt u een e-mail naar sales@routeco.nl
maandag 4 juli 2016
Welke Ethernet-communicatiemethode is de beste voor u?
Bent u er niet zeker van welke Ethernet-communicatiemethode ideaal is voor uw project?
Om de voor u beste communicatiemethode te kunnen bepalen, moet u precies weten welke vereisten met uw toepassing verbonden zijn, en als u de verkeerde kiest, kunt u in toekomst met problemen worden geconfronteerd, die het eindresultaat sterk kunnen beïnvloeden. ProSoft kan hier helpen – op hun nieuwe video worden voorbeeld-toepassingen getoond, en worden de voor- en nadelen van de verschillende communicatiemethodes toegelicht, om u te helpen de beste keus voor uw toepassing te bepalen!
Voor verdere informatie kunt een e-mail sturen naar sales@routeco.nl
maandag 20 juni 2016
You’ll always see the big picture with Safeside IR viewing windows
Engineered Products’ SafeSide® W–MC Series allows for safe thermography
inspections of multiple components through one big window, reducing the number
of windows required and enhancing productivity.
infrared viewing window features:
- The W-MC series features a larger rectangular viewing area that provides an unparalleled field-of-view (FOV) when compared to traditional round IR windows
- The exclusive, industrial-grade, reinforced polymer allows any infrared camera to monitor completely undisturbed assets inside electrical equipment
- Safeside® Polymers do not degrade when exposed to acids, alkalis, UV, moisture, humidity, vibration, and high frequency noise – a guarantee no crystal IR window can provide
Infrared (IR) cameras are essential tools for
predictive maintenance, but they can only inspect what they can see.
With their unparalleled field of view, the W-MC Series IR Viewing Windows from
SafeSide® give you a quick, efficient way to safely inspect electrical
If you require any further information you can email sales@routeco.nl
maandag 13 juni 2016
Expand your performance capabilities with 5069 Compact I/O platform
The Compact I/O system from Rockwell
Automation future-proofs your system and enables The Connected Enterprise,
allowing machine builders to bring added value to their customers through a
single, unified architecture, using EtherNet/IP™ for increased overall
productivity. It is the ideal distributed I/O solution for use with the
Allen-Bradley ControlLogix® 5580 controller and for users with high processing
The 5069 Compact I/O system offers
diversity and flexibility with dual 1 Gigabit (Gb) embedded Ethernet ports for
Linear and Device Level Ring topologies allowing easy customization for
applications demanding high performance and speed.
Features and benefits:
- Built-in power input with field power to I/O modules
- Support for 31 local I/O modules
- High-speed backplane for faster transfer rates
- Improved status indicators for information about module health
- Supports 1-Gb embedded switch technology for Linear and Device Level Ring (DLR) topologies
- Integrated USB port allows easy configuration
dinsdag 31 mei 2016
Stainless Steel IP69K Push Button Stations
The food and beverage industries can
be challenging for even the most robust push buttons stations where
high-pressure and caustic wash-downs can cause downtime.
Responding to this challenge, Routeco introduces IP69K rated push button station solutions designed to:
Responding to this challenge, Routeco introduces IP69K rated push button station solutions designed to:
- Minimise production loss due to cleaning procedures
- Minimise frequent replacement due to corrosion
- Minimise bacteria growth potential from crevices
- Provide UL Certified products for industrial panels
The Rockwell Automation 22.5mm push
buttons represent an innovative rethinking of push button technology and its
industrial applications. They use a potted piezoelectric circuit in an SAE
grade 316 stainless-steel body and achieve an IP69K rating. The piezoelectric
circuit detects pressure on the surface of the button to provide a momentary
actuation signal with no moving parts. A smooth, crevice-free button surface is
the result.
800K buttons are available in
illuminated and non-illuminated versions. The illuminated buttons use a
translucent light pipe to bring the red, green or white LED illumination to a
ring on the crevice-free operating surface. Red illuminated buttons have a
single normally-closed circuit while all other models are provided with a
single normally-open circuit. The momentary contacts can be directly connected
to a programmable controller or with an appropriate interposing relay.
Push Button Station Features and
IP69K Rating
- Protected against close-range high pressure, high temperature caustic wash
- Ideal for food, beverage, pharmaceutical and similar application environments
316 Stainless-steel Push Buttons
- Corrosion resistant to caustic wash-down solutions
Smooth, Crevice-free Enclosure and Push Button Surfaces
- Easier to clean
- Minimizes areas in which contaminates can potentially be lodged
No Moving Parts
- By using piezoelectric technology, moving seals and crevices can be eliminated from the push buttons, avoiding potential sources for failure
Potted Circuits
- Helps prevent fluids from corroding operator components
- Provides an additional barrier of protection
Custom Laser Push Button Engraving
- Avoids potentially contaminate trapping legend plates
- Provides flexibility to address a wide range of applications
maandag 23 mei 2016
New Safe-Test Point from Grace Engineered Products
Electrical safety is made safer with
Grace Engineered Products.The new
Safe-Test Point™ is a Permanent Electrical Safety Device (PESD) that allows
qualified personnel to safely verify presence or absence of voltage. This high
impedance protected device provides the capability to measure voltage from
outside the enclosure, minimizing risk of arc flash and shock hazard. Through
at closed-door metered test, workers can quickly and accurately perform routine
tasks while feeling confidently safe.
Safe-Test Point features:
- A Permanent Electrical Safety Device (PESD) that allows workers a safer way to verify presence or absence of voltage from outside the electrical cabinet
- The Safe-Test Point contains four test points that are hardwired directly to energy sources and allows measurement of both AC and DC voltages by inserting the insulated meter probes into any two test point sockets to take a voltage reading
- Provides a safer and more productive method of performing Lockout / Tagout (LOTO) procedures
- It comes complete with a tool-entry dust cap and label.
Safe-Test Point can be mounted
on the side of the enclosure, door or flange and provides four test points to
allow measurement of AC/DC voltages either phase or phase to ground. For
more information, please email sales@routeco.nl
maandag 16 mei 2016
Intelligent Motor Control with Rockwell Automation's E300
The E300
Electronic Overload Relay is the next generation electronic overload from
Allen-Bradley®. Its modular design, communication options, diagnostic
information, simplified wiring and integration into Logix make this the ideal
overload for motor control applications in an automation system.
Features include:
For more information, contact sales@routeco.nl
Features include:
- Intelligent motor control (EtherNet/IP enabled)
- Scalable solution
- Diagnostic information
- Integrated I/O
- Adjustable trip class 5…30
- Wide current range
- Test/Reset button
- Programmable trip and warning settings
- True RMS current/voltage sensing (50/60 Hz)
- Protection for single- and three-phase motors
- Customize the E300™ Overload Relay by selecting one each of the following modules:
- 193-ECM E300 Communication Module
- 193-EIO E300 Control Module
- 193-ESM or 592-ESM E300 Sensing Module
For more information, contact sales@routeco.nl
maandag 9 mei 2016
Introducing the Kinetix 5700 Servo drives from Rockwell Automation
Our Kinetix® 5700 EtherNet/IP Servo
Drives help expand the value of integrated motion on EtherNet/IP to large
custom machine builder applications. With Logix as a single control engine, and
one design environment, Studio 5000® Logix Designer, machine builders now have
more flexibility to scale, design, and control to help meet their needs.
These servo drives can help reduce
commissioning time and improve machine performance. It offers the simplicity,
power and space savings you need to help get your machine up and running
The Kinetix 5700 is designed for
machines with large axis counts with higher power requirements. It is available
in single and dual axis servos with integrated and hardwired Safe Torque-Off.
Key Features:
- Features dual axis modules
- Provides a large 1.6 to 60kW power range
- Controls servo and induction motors
- Supports a wide range of feedback types
- Offers an innovative snap-fit bus system
- Reduces wiring with single cable technology
- Allows for tuning-less commissioning for most axes
- Delivers power density for reduced cabinet space
- Includes dual Ethernet ports to support linear and device level ring topologies
woensdag 27 april 2016
eWON Flexy Modular Industrial M2M Router and Data Gateway
The eWON Flexy is the first
industrial modular M2M router and data gateway designed for OEMs and system
integrators. The flexibility allows a user to link remote devices in an
environment where communication technologies are constantly changing. It also
allows universal communication with the most varied field equipment, regardless
of the protocol used.
Watch the YouTube video below for all
the product highlights including:
- Secure VPN remote access
- Data acquisition
- Web server HMI
- Data logging and retrieval
- Alarm management and notification
For further information, please
contact info@routeco.nl
vrijdag 15 april 2016
Rockwell Automation releases Version 28 of Studio 5000 Software
The Studio 5000® environment combines
elements of design into one standard framework that optimises productivity and
reduces time to commission. This intuitive integrated design environment
focuses on rapid design, re-use, collaboration and virtual design and is built
on a foundation consisting of several core tenants.
The Studio 5000 suite has four main
applications, listed below, and each one focuses primarily on increasing
efficiency and saving time.
Key features:
- Build and maintain a system layout in a central place with Architect™
- Configure, program and maintain your Logix 5000™ family of controllers with Logix Designer®
- Create intuitive, modern screens for the PanelView™ 5000 graphic terminals with View Designer™
- Create and leverage re-usable libraries of content for rapid project development with Application Code Manager
With the Studio 5000
environment, you can respond more quickly to changing market and business
needs, while reducing total costs of ownership, including maintenance and
The Studio 5000
software is available to purchase via Routeco on their website at
vrijdag 8 april 2016
New Compact GuardLogix 5370 Controller from Rockwell Automation
Rockwell Automation’s Midrange Architecture provides machine
builders with a scalable control platform to meet both their custom and
standard machine needs. The new Allen-Bradley Compact GuardLogix® 5370
controller provides machine builders with the performance needed for both
integrated motion and integrated safety on EtherNet/IP™. With Studio 5000®
software as a single design and configuration environment, scalability has
never been simpler.
Whether you are in the design, operation
or maintenance cycle, engineers now can share code
between different machine types and sizes, reducing the design cycle and
commissioning time while improving uptime through the machine’s lifecycle.
Built on standard Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP provides a
simplified architecture for machine builders. The ability to be future-proof
provides the flexibility and security to meet the end user’s needs while
converging to the plant-wide network.
Features and benefits include:
- Built-in dual Ethernet port for Linear and DLR (Device Level Ring) topologies
- Integrated safety up to SIL 3, PLe, CAT 4, 1oo2 hardware structure
- Integrated motion on EtherNet/IP up to 16 axes
- Built-in energy storage eliminates the need for batteries
- Removable 1-GB Secure Digital (SD) card improves data integrity
- Support for kinematics eliminates the need for additional robot controllers and software
- Integrated Safe Torque Off SIL 3/PLe with Kinetix® 5500 and PowerFlex® 527
- Supports reuse of existing 1769 I/O
- On-Machine™ IP67-rated Armor™ Compact GuardLogix controller options
If you require any further information you can email info@routeco.co.uk
vrijdag 1 april 2016
Introducing the SafeSide Easy Install Pass-Thru
In a continued effort to keep people
safe and their assets secure, Grace Engineered Products are launching the
Easy Install Pass-Thru device (R-3K).
The R-3K is a Permanent Electrical
Safety Device that complements the existing line of SafeSide R-3W series
voltage indicators used in the mechanical and electrical Lockout/Tagout
Grace are always looking for
innovative ways to keep voltage away from people and the R-3K not only keeps
people safe, it also makes workers lives simple with easy installation; meaning
decreased downtime and increased productivity.
The R-3K is easy to install on any
electrical cabinet door or on a cabinet flange with a 30mm standard knock-out
next to a voltage indicator. There is no need for any additional wiring other
than just passing three phase leads through the R-3K.
donderdag 24 maart 2016
ProSoft Technology's Profibus modules for CompactLogix
DPV1 Master and Slave modules promise the convenience and functionality of an
in-chassis PROFIBUS interface at the cost of a gateway.
With these modules,
CompactLogix™ processors can easily communicate with slave devices supporting
PROFIBUS DPV0 and DPV1 protocol. The module acts as an input/output module
between the PROFIBUS network and the processor supporting complete Master
specifications according to IEC 61158.
Master Features:
- AOI: Module integrates with RSLogix 5000 using a sample Add-On Instruction (AOI), reducing configuration time
- Autoscan: The Autoscan feature reduces configuration and start up times by scanning the PROFIBUS network and uploading slave device addresses and configuration information. (Reads and maps nodes automatically to the module.)
- ComDTM: Allows remote Ethernet connectivity for Asset Management Software to significantly lower your maintenance costs. You can configure, commission, maintain and diagnose your fieldbus devices throughout their entire lifecycle with this comprehensive, fully integrated engineering and maintenance environment
- SD card slot (SD card optional) is used for storing configuration files in the event of a disaster
Slave Features:
- Ethernet port allows remote configuration and maintenance
- Supports both I/O control and messaging
- Explicit ladder logic CIP message blocks provide slave status diagnostic data and acyclic messaging
- Module appears to the CompactLogix controller as a standard I/O module allowing it to be configured via RSLogix™ 5000
- Equipped with a diagnostic interface and rotary switches for setting of the bus address
For more information please contact us at info@routeco.nl or visit our website
vrijdag 18 maart 2016
The ultimate guide to going mobile
Learn how the top
10 design tips for mobile HMI can make your operators more productive by
providing an interface for status indicators, machine control, data trends and
alarm information.
The contents for
designing a mobile HMI with FactoryTalk® ViewPoint include:
- Think small
- Always design for touch
- Make content easy to find
- Make important information obvious
- Keep graphics simple
- Different users have different experiences
- Optimise for performance
- Know what’s published (and what’s not!)
- Expand the system
- Work from the beach… maybe!
Click here to download the document and if you have any further questions
on Rockwell Automation’s FactoryTalk ViewPoint you can email info@routeco.nl or please visit our website www.routeco.nl
woensdag 9 maart 2016
Pentair ‘Business Partner Conference’ – Polen, Maart 2016
Vorige week vond de jaarlijkse Business Partner Conferentie van Pentair
plaats in Warszawa, Polen. In uiteraard winterse omstandigheden werden een zeer
groot aantal aanwezigen bijgepraat omtrent de laatste innovatieve
ontwikkelingen binnen het Hoffman portfolio.
Naast alle aandacht voor de producten werden alle gasten ook door het
nieuwe gedeelte van de fabriek geleid welke pas recent is voltooid. Met deze
uitbreiding kan Pentair een belangrijke aanpassing doorvoeren en zal deze
locatie de centrale hub van Europa vormen.
Routeco BV is geautoriseerd distributeur van
Pentair, waardoor wij onze klanten Hoffman behuizingen kunnen aanbieden en
leveren. Ons team van specialistenzijn volledig getraind om te adviseren
omtrent de mogelijkheden van specifieke bescherming van een installatie,
eventueel in combinatie met specifieke vereisten wat betreft koeling.
Voor meer informatie, neem
contact op via sales@routeco.nl of bezoek onze website.
woensdag 2 maart 2016
What to Consider When Starting Your Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Journey – part one
The term ‘Industrial Internet of Things’ or IIoT seems to be everywhere
at the moment! But what does it actually mean?
ProSoft have also looked at some of the ways old-school automation engineers are making use of IIoT concepts to improve their operations, and what considerations all of us should keep in mind.
Remote Monitoring and Equipment Access
- In the old days, remote access meant installing a serial modem connected to a dedicated phone line, so the machines made remote access-capable were limited to the most critical operations.
- What’s changed in the IIoT world is the proliferation of wireless connectivity, especially cellular networks and wireless LAN. Now, all that data deemed not important enough to transmit can be made available from remote sites.
- Remote access to industrial equipment has become more accessible for more people throughout the organisation.
- Finally, machine builders and control engineers responsible for widely dispersed global operations can build reliable connectivity into their systems without the need for custom infrastructure and integration at the end site.
- For mobile equipment, access is available just about anywhere the equipment goes. This simplifies the design and maintenance of the system, and enables the machine OEM to build high-value applications that make use of an “always connected” machine.
Machine and Process Control
- IIoT technology is not just about cellular connections to remote machines.
- Major automation vendors like Rockwell Automation have been offering industrial Ethernet connectivity for PLCs and related devices for more than a decade. Industrial Ethernet protocols like ODVA’s EtherNet/IPTM provide the kind of performance required for automation systems, while also enabling interoperability with the massive Internet Protocol-based network infrastructure found in virtually every organisation.
- Today’s automation engineers are taking advantage of the Internet Protocol-based industrial technologies to design more reliable networks for moving equipment.
- Wireless LAN products designed for the harsh industrial environment and optimised to handle protocols like EtherNet/IP allow engineers to eliminate the cost and downtime of frayed cables, yet still take advantage of high data rates and application-specific requirements like machine safety and time synchronisation.
Asset Mobility
- One area of automation where IIoT technology is creating new opportunities involves taking the network connection anywhere in the plant.
- Old systems offered only so many places to “plug in.”
- Automation systems are now benefiting from the same “network everywhere” mindset as our home and office environment.
- Using industrial hotspots, control engineers can connect to the automation system easily from anywhere in the plant. The same wireless network allows maintenance applications running on smart phones or tablets to access and update equipment records, capture and store photos, and even help maintenance technicians troubleshoot machines. Operators and supervisors can view the status of a machine from anywhere, and even control the machine.
Two: Things to consider about how your system can fit into this new world of
connected machines. Make sure you’re subscribed to our blog and the part two
will go straight into your email inbox. The full whitepaper from ProSoft Technology can be found here.
For further information
please contact us by email at info@routeco.nl
maandag 29 februari 2016
Rockwell Automation’s Industrial Data Centre is your manageable, cost-effective gateway to virtualisation
Did you know that by adopting virtualisation today, you could save your
business money?
Virtualisation has become widely adopted as a standard in the information technology industry and is now becoming a growing trend in the manufacturing and production industries.
For further information please contact us by email at info@routeco.nl
- Reduced server footprint
- Extended application longevity
- Improved infrastructure reliability with management and recovery features
- Engineered specifically for use in production and manufacturing environments
Virtualisation has become widely adopted as a standard in the information technology industry and is now becoming a growing trend in the manufacturing and production industries.
You could discover such benefits as:
The Industrial Data Centre (IDC) from Rockwell Automation can help your
business realise these cost savings through a pre-engineered, scalable
infrastructure offering.
All of the hardware you need to run multiple operating systems and
multiple applications from virtualised servers are included in the cost.
As a pre-engineered solution, the Industrial Data Centre is designed to
ease the transition to a virtualised environment for your business, saving you
time and money. Instead of ordering five different pieces of equipment with
five purchase orders, in addition to hiring the correct certified installation
professionals to get you up and running, the Industrial Data Centre combines
equipment from industry leaders that are pre-configured specifically for the
manufacturing and production industries.
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