maandag 29 februari 2016

Rockwell Automation’s Industrial Data Centre is your manageable, cost-effective gateway to virtualisation

Did you know that by adopting virtualisation today, you could save your business money?
  • Reduced server footprint
  • Extended application longevity
  • Improved infrastructure reliability with management and recovery features
  • Engineered specifically for use in production and manufacturing environments

Virtualisation has become widely adopted as a standard in the information technology industry and is now becoming a growing trend in the manufacturing and production industries.

You could discover such benefits as:
The Industrial Data Centre (IDC) from Rockwell Automation can help your business realise these cost savings through a pre-engineered, scalable infrastructure offering.

All of the hardware you need to run multiple operating systems and multiple applications from virtualised servers are included in the cost.

As a pre-engineered solution, the Industrial Data Centre is designed to ease the transition to a virtualised environment for your business, saving you time and money. Instead of ordering five different pieces of equipment with five purchase orders, in addition to hiring the correct certified installation professionals to get you up and running, the Industrial Data Centre combines equipment from industry leaders that are pre-configured specifically for the manufacturing and production industries.

For further information please contact us by email at 

maandag 15 februari 2016

Klanttevredenheid 2015

In November van het vorige jaar hebben wij een klanttevredenheid onderzoek gedaan onder alle bestaande klanten van Routeco. Dit onderzoek wordt jaarlijks herhaald en wordt centraal gedaan voor de landen waar Routeco actief is: Engeland, Oostenrijk en Nederland.

In deze blog willen wij u graag kort informeren over de aandachtsgebieden voor 2016 om ons serviceniveau nog verder te verbeteren.

Winnaar Waardebonnen
Allereerst het leukste aspect aan het doen van zo’n onderzoek. Wij hebben een prijs in het vooruitzicht gesteld, welke verloot zou worden onder de deelnemers. Zo gezegd, zo gedaan.
De winnaar van maar liefst 250 EURO aan waardebonnen is geworden:


We hebben gezien dat de score over de totale 17 vragen welke we gesteld hebben ten opzichte van vorig jaar verbeterd is. Zo zien we dat accuratesse door de respondenten als meest belangrijk gezien wordt en hierop scoort Routeco zeer goed.

In de totaal score haalt Routeco Nederland een 7.3.
Nu we 2 jaar operationeel zijn is dit een prima score.
Niettemin zijn er altijd aandachtsgebieden waarop wij kunnen verbeteren:

-       Nog verder verbeteren van het ‘precies op tijd’ leveren
-       Betere registratie van RMA proces
-       Proactieve communicatie
-       Accuratesse niveau handhaven

Ondanks dat het aantal RMA’s erg laag is (0,74%) gaan we binnen Routeco het ‘Issue Handling’ proces verder toepassen. Ook Routeco Nederland gaat hiervan gebruik maken waardoor we alle meldingen beter kunnen registreren en dus gerichter maatregelen kunnen nemen.

Daarnaast gaan we vanaf Q2 werken met de door ons ontwikkelde DFSM (Dynamic Free Stock Module) In het kort komt de werking hiervan neer op een betere toekenning van voorraden en het continue monitoren van levertijden. Hierdoor zijn we in staat om u beter op de hoogte te kunnen houden rondom wijzigingen in verwachte leverdata.

Gedurende 2016 zijn dit de belangrijkste initiatieven op het gebied van customer service en op deze wijze proberen we elk jaar ons service niveau te verbeteren.

Zoals u weet vragen vele bedrijven u om deel te nemen aan klanttevredenheid onderzoeken.

Wij willen iedereen die de tijd heeft genomen om ons van deze belangrijke feedback te voorzien dan ook hartelijk danken.

woensdag 10 februari 2016

New Industrial Hotspot from Prosoft features Location Tracking, VLAN, Radius Servers and more

The ProSoft Technology 802.11abgn Fast Industrial Hotspot (RLX2-IHNF) provides secure and reliable wireless solutions for plant-floor, SCADA automation, process control systems and mobile worker Wi-Fi infrastructure. 

It operates in the 2.4 or 5 GHz bands, including DFS channels. The Hotspot supports Access Point, Repeater, Bridging and Client modes. 

802.11n technology delivers fast data rates up to 300 Mbps. This provides excellent packet-per-second performance and robust communications in rugged industrial environments. 

ProSoft Technology's unique Fast Roam bridging feature seamlessly supports wireless communications to moving machines and platforms by providing access point switchover times less than 50 ms.

The RLX2-IHNF family adds RADIUS security for centralised management of security policies, VLAN support for network traffic segmentation and data prioritisation, QoS support for data, video, and voice prioritisation, and AeroScout location tracking support.

For further information please contact us by email at 

donderdag 4 februari 2016

Harsh-Duty Contact Block Solutions for Hazardous Locations from Rockwell Automation

The Allen-Bradley Bulletin 800TC-XAF Explosion-Protected Contact Block is a robust solution for Class I Div. 2 environments, especially for E-stop and high vibration applications where typical reed switch solutions are undesirable.

Emergency Stop Applications
The magnetically operated design of reed switches prevents their use with emergency stop devices. In contrast, the 800TC-XAF explosion-protected contact block features a positive-opening normally closed contact as required for conformance with global emergency stop standards. Additionally, the design allows contact block stacking which increases application flexibility and accommodates safety circuits for illuminated E-stop devices.

High Vibration Applications
Reed switches are hermetically sealed in a glass envelope, which can be fragile and susceptible to damage from stress related to high vibration. The body of the 800TC-XAF explosion-protected contact block is moulded from an extremely durable thermoplastic resin, resulting in a contact block assembly that will maintain Class I Div. 2 integrity in the harshest applications.

In addition to the explosive nature of flammable gases, liquids or vapours potentially present in Class I Div. 2 applications, these materials can also be highly corrosive.

Features and benefits:
  • A reliable UL 1203 certified solution for Class I Div. 2 environments (Groups A, B, C and D)
  • Rugged construction ideal for use in applications involving shock and vibration
  • 1-NO, 1-NC, A600-rated contacts
  • Positive opening NC contact for global E-stop functionality
  • For use with a wide range of push buttons:
  • 800T 30 mm Type 4, 13
  • 800H 30 mm Type 4, 4X, 13
  • 800H/HL Type 7 and 9
  • 800R stations
  • Compatible with a broad variety of device types:
  • Momentary contact push buttons
  • Trigger action E-stops
  • Push-pull devices
  • Selector switches
  • Push-to-test pilot lights
For further information please contact us by email at or please visit our website

woensdag 3 februari 2016

New and enhanced ControlLogix I/O for advanced control applications

New ControlLogix Analogue I/O from Allen-Bradley has been enhanced for advanced control applications.

Three 8-channel isolated designs and 12-channel and 16-channel non-isolated designs with improved functionality of analogue I/O provide faster performance, more accuracy, better resolution and cost savings due to less space needed in the chassis for additional modules and power supplies.

Key Features:

  • Isolated 8-channel and non-Isolated 12- and 16-channel modules with stability over the entire temperature operating range
  • No field calibration required
  • Advanced precision using 24-bit design
  • Per channel status and fault LED annunciation
8-Channel modules also include:
  • Time stamping in Peer-to-Peer applications
  • Synchronised input sampling across all modules
  • 1ms input sampling of floating point values
  • Further technical product information is available by clicking here

For further information please contact us by email at